Recent Donors

Thank You to Our Donors

The LHAT Tribute Fund

The Tribute Fund allows donations to be made to the League in honor of someone special, whether LHAT members or other historic theatre devotees.

Donations to the Tribute Fund will be used to support the continued mission and programs of the League of Historic American Theatres for the benefit of its members.

SPECIAL TRIBUTE FUNDS have been created in memory of longstanding LHAT members and leaders TONY RIVENBARK (Thalian Hall, Wilmington, NC) and HALSEY M. NORTH (The North Group Inc.).

Tribute Fund Donations have been made in honor or memory of:

Clients of OTJ Architects
Cyndi Bell
James Boese
Dr. Thomas R. DuBuque
George R. Keeling
Dave McClure
Tim McLain
Halsey M. North
Colleen Poehlman
Tony Rivenbark
Dr. Joseph S. Rosenberg
Ronald P. Salters
Harry Scanlan
Tisha Shelden
Geoff Shlaes
Ken Stein
Craig Sumberg


(Gifts of $1,000+)

Andrew Gale, RA LEED AP
Becky Hancock
Alice North
Stephanie Silverman
Ken Stein
Carol Wallace


(Gifts of $400-999)

Jennifer Carlson
George R. Keeling Insurance Agency, LLC
Alycyn Keeling
Amy Mladjen, IIDA, NCIDQ


(Gifts of $250-399)

Steven Ehrenberg
Jeffrey Gabel
Alec Stoll, ASTC


(Gifts of $100+)

Brauntex Performing Arts Theatre
New Braunfels, TX
Garde Arts Center
New London, CT
Orpheum Theatre
Los Angeles, CA
Rivoli Theater and Pizzeria
LaCrosse, Wi
Tennessee Theatre
Knoxville, TN


(Gifts of $100-249)

Douglas I. Abbatiello
Christine Delaney
Andy Hoffman


(Gifts of $1-99)

RJ Heisenbottle Architects, PA
The REES Theatre Inc.