Allied Membership

Allied Membership

Allied membership is for service providers, suppliers, vendors and artist representatives, as well as municipalities and other organizations (downtown development agencies, arts councils, nonprofit preservation orgs), that are not directly responsible for operating a historic theatre but support the League's mission and help sustain historic theatres through services and products they offer, similar missions, etc.

Updated 06.04.2024

2024 Dues based on Organization Staff / Board Size

Memberships are for a single organization. Individuals or entities representing multiple companies must secure a membership for each entity that wishes to interface with member theatres.

Level 1: Organizations with 21+ staff/board $1,250/year
Level 2: Organizations with 11-20 staff/board $850
Level 3: Organizations with 1-10 staff/board $600
Please note...
  • NEW membership terms begin immediately. After May 15, 2024, NEW memberships will be prorated to cover the remaining months of 2024 and the beginning months of 2025. Renewal payment for 2025 will be due one year from your initial start date and will be only for those months in 2025 not covered by the initial payment.
  • Subsequent membership terms will align with our January - December renewal cycle.

Join or Renew Now

Secure Online Credit Card Payment

This feature is temporarily unavailable, but you can complete and email us the form linked below and we will email you a link that you can use to pay securely online.

Questions? Need Help? Email Us or call (443) 640-1058 x1125