Special Events

National Conference Special Events

Pre-Conference Historic Theatre Ramble - Sold Out!*

Fee-Paid Option - Includes continental breakfast and buffet lunch.

Sunday, July 7, 8:30 am - 5:15 pm

Before the main conference begins, attendees of the optional Pre-Conference Theatre Ramble will travel by motor coach to visit historic theatres in and around Milwaukee. Registration will open and continental breakfast will be served starting at 7:15 am. Buses will load at 8:15 and depart the Hilton Milwaukee City Center Hotel promptly at 8:30 am.

The group will enjoy lunch mid-day and return to the conference hotel in time to freshen up before the Opening Night Festivities begin.

Theatres to be toured include:

*Sorry! The Ramble is SOLD OUT! The waiting list is also now full.

Opening Reception & Welcome Dinner

Sunday, July 7, 6:15 pm - 8:15 pm

We'll officially kick off the 2024 conference with a Welcome Reception, where you can enjoy a cocktail, reconnect with old LHAT friends, and meet new people who share your enthusiasm and passion for historic theatres. Then, continue conversations over a sit-down dinner. It's not required, but for those of you who like to have a chance to get dressed up for an LHAT event, go for it!.

Opening Reception Sponsor – ATG Entertainment
Opening Reception Sponsor
ATG Entertainment

Awards for Excellence Ceremony

Sunday, July 7, 8:15 pm - 8:45 pm

Following this year's Opening Cocktail Reception & Welcome Dinner, LHAT will celebrate historic theatre excellence by honoring this year's recipients of the Award for 2024 Outstanding Historic Theatre and the Joseph Rosenberg Award for Outstanding Individual Contribution.

Visit the Awards Program page for more information.

Awards Ceremony Sponsor - Kotobuki Seating International Inc.
Awards Ceremony Sponsor
Kotobuki Seating International Inc.

First Timers Orientation

Sunday, July 7, 8:45 pm - 9:15 pm

If this is your first LHAT National Conference, please plan to stick around after the Welcome Dinner for a special, but informal orientation for First Time Attendees. Ask questions and get pointers from seasoned LHAT conference attendees -- important things like:

  • Don't forget to wear your name badge. It's your ticket to events and tours!
  • Attend any education session you like; no need to sign up in advance (except for Early Bird Sessions).
  • If you came with a group, consider not sitting together at social events and splitting up for education sessions - divide and conquer!
  • Don't worry - the conference will seem overwhelming no matter what you do; just try to take in as much as you can.
  • You're here to network in person, so do as much as you can. Take advantage of having one-on-one access to LHAT's "brain trust" - the people who have "been there and done that." LHAT folks are very willing to share their own tips, techniques, technologies, and best practices for historic theatre (and personal) success and survival. Remember, they were once first timers just like you!

Eye Opener Breakfasts: Peer Discussions and Networking

Monday, July 8; Tuesday, July 9; & Wednesday, July 10 (times vary) - Hilton Milwaukee City Center Hotel 

You never know when a casual conversation could leave you with a brand-new idea or a valuable piece of advice to take home and implement at your theatre. If you just want to quietly enjoy your breakfast without networking, that's fine, too!

On Monday morning, we'll transition from breakfast to an introduction to the facilitated networking sessions that will follow. We received rave reviews about this new offering last year. After a brief introduction, we'll break into 4-5 smaller groups based on theatre demographics so the networking can begin. More details about this session will be provided before the conference.

Service Providers & Suppliers EXPO and Reception - SOLD OUT!

Monday, July 8, 3:45 pm - 6:15 pm - Hilton Milwaukee City Center Hotel

Learn about new technologies, goods, and services that historic theatres need most, while making new contacts or renewing relationships and enjoying a reception with late afternoon snacks and drinks. LHAT's 2024 Expo provides an opportunity for service providers and suppliers to meet representatives from historic theatres, discover their needs, and "put a face with a name" during a premiere conference event.

Since there are no competing conference events during the Expo, exhibitors have uninterrupted time to share their expertise and showcase the products and services historic theatres need to renovate and operate successfully.

Exhibitor registration, including a single-day registration for Monday, July 8, is $565 now $775 for League Allied and Theatre Members.  The fee for Non-members and LHAT Subscriber members to exhibit is $925 now $1,125. Read full Expo guidelines here

Networking Refreshment Break

Tuesday, July 9, 10:45 am - 11:15 am

On Tuesday morning, between Tools & Techniques sessions, enjoy a 30 minute break to network with your fellow attendees over a refreshing beverage. This is your chance to share the interesting things you learned during the session you just attended. Or find a new peer to connect with to ask or discuss anything and everything related to historic theatres.

It's up to you to take advantage of opportunities like this to network in person - that's why you came to Milwaukee! Take advantage of having one-on-one access to LHAT's "brain trust" - the people who have "been there and done that". LHAT folks are very willing to share their own tips, techniques, technologies, and best practices for historic theatre (and personal) success and survival.

Cocktails & Networking

Tuesday, July 18, 4:45 pm

Following the DEIB Plenary Session, grab a cocktail and get ready for some more networking with your peers. After a short refreshment break, as we did on Monday morning, we'll break into 4-5 smaller groups based on different topics. More details to be announced.

Optional LHAT Baseball Game Outing

Tuesday, July 9, 7:10 pm - Pittsburgh Pirates vs. Milwaukee Brewers at American Family Field

In line with the long-standing tradition of attending a baseball game during the LHAT Conference, we will be purchasing tickets for interested LHAT folks to see Milwaukee's "Brew Crew" take on the Pittsburgh Pirates at American Family Field on Tuesday evening. If you're traveling alone to LHAT, don't be shy about buying yourself a ticket. We usually sell more than 75 tickets for LHAT folks to attend the game, so you won't be alone!

We may still have a few tickets available. Email info@LHAT.org if you are interested.

Note: Attendees will be responsible for their own transportation to and from the stadium. American Family Field is about a 15-minute drive or rideshare from the Hilton hotel (approx. 3 miles).

American Family Field, Photo Courtesy of Visit Milwaukee
American Family Field, Photo Courtesy of Visit Milwaukee

Annual Membership Meeting

Wednesday, July 10, 8:45 am - 9:30 am

On Wednesday morning, network with your historic theatre peers over breakfast, then tune into the 2024 LHAT Annual Membership Meeting. Celebrating its 48th year, your national association is forging ahead, fueled by members' recommendations. To achieve our mission - to champion the preservation, restoration, and operation of historic theatres -- the League needs your active participation. During this year's Annual Membership Meeting, learn the "2024 State of the League" and join the conversation about shaping the League's future.

2024 Annual Membership Meeting Sponsor - OTJ Architects
2024 Annual Membership Meeting Sponsor
OTJ Architects

Closing Party

Wednesday, July 10, 1:00 pm - Pabst Theater

Celebrate your national association and close out the 2024 Conference with a toast and some snacks. Say goodbye to LHAT friends, new and old, make plans to connect throughout the year through the LHAT-CHAT, and we'll send you off with hopes of seeing you again next summer at the 49th National Conference!