Michael R. Schnoering, FAIA Partner Mills + Schnoering Architects, LLC, Princeton, NJ
Michael R. Schnoering, FAIA is a partner at Mills + Schnoering Architects, LLC in Princeton, NJ. Michael leads the design and management of many of the firm's arts, educational, and civic projects. His work encompasses a wide variety of innovative new and adaptive use designs involving public and private entertainment, lecture, education, and administrative spaces. He has guided award-winning renovation projects in theaters on the national stage and completed successful projects at several well-known historic downtown theaters. Michael's experience with projects for the arts extends to his volunteer service. He serves on the boards of the New Jersey Theatre Alliance (NJTA), and the Cultural Access Network of NJ (CAN), and recently stepped down as a board member of the League of Historic American Theatres (LHAT) following 9 years of service. He has shared his knowledge on theater planning, design, and accessibility, and advocates for increased access in all locations beyond the minimum code requirements. His passion for access in the arts has led to multiple speaking engagements at national LHAT conferences as well as regional training events for the Cultural Access Network. Michael holds a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), and is a Registered Architect in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Vermont, Rhode Island, Washington DC, Maryland, West Virginia, Tennessee, Florida, Wisconsin, Missouri, Indiana, and Colorado. He is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects.